Through a systematic literature review the research investigates how BDA enhances real time decision making within healthcare supply chains HCSCs and identifies the key enablers required for successful BDA adoption

Enhancing quantitative capacity for the health F1000Research

Enhancing quantitative capacity for the health sector in post Ebola Liberia a tracer study of a locally developed and owned coding and biostatistics program version 1 peer review 1 approved 2024 09 02 Journal article

It is a quantitative and qualitative research analysis used to understand and highlight the impact of authors institutions collaborations emerging research areas and countries The present study used a bibliometric technique through VOS viewer and Biblioshiny R studio to analyse the performance of the F1000Research since its inception 2012

Enhancing quantitative capacity for the health sector in post

We analyzed policy responses in three main areas pandemic preparedness crisis management and response and recovery Ten strategies emerged from the study as critical in strengthening health system resilience against future pandemics

Strengthening the core health research capacity of national

Building capacity for evidence based public health

Enhancing Quantitative Capacity For The Health F1000research

health crises 9 11 few efforts have been made in Liberia to institutionalize local capacity strengthening opportunities in quantitative data analysis for public health researchers and practitioners

Enhancing research capacity across healthcare and higher

In this paper we outline the kinds of capacity needed to support decision makers when setting health priorities where such capacity can be found and how best it can be created

Decision makers are urged to prioritise the reduction of resource based health disparities and surveillance and response capacities in particular to ensure global resilience against future threats to public health and economic stability

Developing forecasting capacity for public health emergency

Implementation of the 7 1 7 target for detection notification and response to public health threats in five countries a retrospective observational study Jun 2023The Lancet Global health11 6 e871 e879 Bochner AF Makumbi I Aderinola O

Building sustainable research capacity within the health care professions is fundamental in taking the health research agenda forward and to achieving improved health outcomes 1

To address the gap a local NGO Quantitative Data for Decision Making Q4D was founded to enhance capacity and opportunities for analyzing quantitative data among Liberians To understand the relevance utility and impact of the skills being taught at Q4D a tracer study was undertaken with current and former students

George B ORCID

Enhancing quantitative capacity for the health sector in post

Evidence informed capacity building for F1000Research

Enhancing research capacity across healthcare and higher

Skills built through the Q4D program have positively impacted students by preparing them with the skills required for additional employment and training opportunities to advance in country health research capacity and reduce inequities

Strengthening the core health research capacity of national health systems helps build country resilience to epidemics a cross sectional survey F1000Res 2020 Jun 9 9 583 doi 10 12688 f1000research 24192 2

The journey of F1000Research since inception through

Building sustainable research capacity within the health care professions is fundamental in taking the health research agenda forward and to achieving improved health outcomes 1

Others may prioritise national health research capacity on the basis that population health is fundamental to national development per se irrespective of the underlying economic model

Better and fulfilling healthcare at lower costs The need to

F1000 Research and Taylor Francis responses illustrate how we are working on complementary paths to transform scholarly communication in order to accelerate research impact across the whole ecosystem

We review principles of EBPH the importance of capacity building to advance evidence based approaches promising approaches for capacity building and future areas for research and practice

Articulating the ultimate objectives of research capacity

Strengthening the core health research capacity of national

Enhancing quantitative capacity for the health sector in post

Enhancing access to the outputs of federally funded research

Enhancing Quantitative Capacity For The Health F1000research

Trokon Omarley Yeabah Publications Special Programme for

Building resilience of the Ghanaian healthcare F1000Research

The survey presents evidence of the usefulness of building up health research undertaking capacity to help contribute to strengthening the national health system resilience to epidemics It addresses an important topic given ongoing COVID 19 pandemic

The Value of Applying Big Data Analytics in F1000Research

Rising healthcare costs are major concerns in most high income countries Yet political measures to reduce costs have so far remained futile and have damaged the best interests of patients and citizen

Enhancing quantitative capacity for the health sector in post Ebola Liberia a tracer study of a locally developed and owned coding and biostatistics program